Completely envious. I jammed out my graduate degrees just to do something else it would be super fun to go back and not even declare a major. I would bounce back-and-forth between anything astronomy and more soil science. Just pay by the hour and show up to classes that sound interesting and fun!
Fellow Southern Californian here! 👋🏼 I definitely understand about looking forward to fall. My daughters have started back to school and it’s just so warm!
Loved reading your thoughts here, Sarah. For the first time in a long time, I'm feeling ready for fall too. Normally I can't really enjoy fall because of winter coming on its heels but making a point to get out in the "bad" winter weather and investing in quality clothing for it last year has really shifted my perspective on a season that's normally hard for me.
Completely envious. I jammed out my graduate degrees just to do something else it would be super fun to go back and not even declare a major. I would bounce back-and-forth between anything astronomy and more soil science. Just pay by the hour and show up to classes that sound interesting and fun!
What can I say, I’m pro fun .
Ah, thank you for the callout Sarah! And I'm adding both those books to my list...
Another soothing break in my day to vicariously live through your experiences and feel like I was there too, taking it all in for myself.
I’m excited for your return to school and being immersed in the world of words you love so much.
Fellow Southern Californian here! 👋🏼 I definitely understand about looking forward to fall. My daughters have started back to school and it’s just so warm!
Loved reading your thoughts here, Sarah. For the first time in a long time, I'm feeling ready for fall too. Normally I can't really enjoy fall because of winter coming on its heels but making a point to get out in the "bad" winter weather and investing in quality clothing for it last year has really shifted my perspective on a season that's normally hard for me.